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numa notes

Billing and Refunds

Your New Account

Your new account comes with Prepaid Notes that get you started with Numa Notes right away, with no credit card required.

At Numa Notes, you only pay for the notes you use, and we bill notes in two ways: Prepaid Notes and Billed Notes.

Your subscription and current usage is always visible on your account tab.

Prepaid Notes

Put simply, prepaid notes are free to generate. We don't bill your card for using these, and they work the same as billed notes.

If your account has prepaid notes, you will see a notification on your Dashboard. Otherwise, your account will use billed notes.

Billed Notes

Numa Notes partners with Stripe for subscription and billing management.
Billed notes are charged to your subscription at the current rate as defined on your billing dashboard. You are only charged for the notes you use. Our Pay-as-you-go plan does not charge a recurring fee.

You'll know your account is using billed notes since you won't see a notification on your Dashboard.

Starting your subscription

You'll see a notification on your Dashboard if you are out of prepaid notes, and eligible to start a Numa Notes subscription.

Seeing your current usage

You can view your current usage by accessing the Account section of your Dashboard. This is also where you can view and manage your subscription on your Billing Dashboard. Your current usage in dollars is available from the billing dashboard.
We will never bill you for notes we fail to generate.

Billing Issues

If your subscription needs attention, you'll see a notification on your Dashboard.

You won't be able to make new notes or be eligible for refunds while you have a billing issue.


If you aren't satisfied with a generated note, we may issue you a refund as a Prepaid Note.

Simply provide us with feedback and a reason why you think this note is not up to standard. We will then instantly refund you if your account is eligible.

To prevent abuse, there are certain limits to how many refunds we will issue you a month and in total. You can always contact us if you feel a note deserves a refund.

You will see the Prepaid Notes notification on your Dashboard when you have been refunded.

We're here to help

If you ever have questions about how we bill and refund you, you can contact us anytime at
Prepaid notes example

With prepaid notes, you will see a notification on your dashboard.

Billed notes example

With billed notes, there is no notification on your account.

Account page example

The current usage and the Billing Dashboard can be accessed from your Account tab.

Subscribe now example

If you are out of prepaid notes and do not have a subscription, you will see a notification allowing you to start one.